Makenna es la protaganista del cuento Robo en la Noche. Makenna tiene quince años. Makenna es de Michigan, pero ella y su padre viven en Costa Rica ahora. Makenna tiene un padre que se llama David, un hermana que se llama Alex, y caballo que se llama Bender. David es un ecológo. Alex es una estudiante a la Universidad de Michigan. Bender es el mejor amigo de Makenna. Makenna no tiene un madre. Ella murió cuando Makenna tenía doce años. Makenna está triste porque un madre esta muerta y su caballo es en Michigan.
Author Archives: Jeremy
Perfect Tense Practice
1) El ave pequeño ha caído del árbol.
2) Nosotros ya habíamos escrito el ensayo el lunes.
3) Makenna había visto a Cecilio antes ella llegó a la hacienda.
4) Makenna y Inés han hecho su trabajo para el día, así ellas van a ir a al mercado.
5) David había leído sobre Alajuela, Costa Rica antes de movir allí para su trabajo.
6) Yo he dicho madre sobre el cuento Robo en la Noche muchas veces.
7) Tú fuiste a escuela en lunes, pero habías regresado a la casa cuando empezó nevar.
Si visitaría Costa Rica…
Me gustaría explorar por zipline.
Me gustaría mortar un caballo.
Me gustaría aprender español.
Me gustaría comer natívo comida.
Me gustaría ir de surfear.
Me gustaría or de pesca.
Spanish Comic
News Story 2
The school board will meet Tuesday to determine whether or not to continue the suspension of four students who were caught cheating on a research paper.
“All four broke the honor code of the English class by doing this,” English department chair Clara Barton said. “I think their punishment is equitable for what they did.”
School rules have outlined the punishment procedures to those who buy research papers which include a seven day suspension from school. During those seven days, the students have an opportunity to rewrite their paper for a maximum grade of a 70.
“For years we have made students sign agreements saying they would not buy ‘canned’ research papers,” Barton said. “It is written in the agreement that if they are caught buying one they will be punished, and the punishment is explained in the agreement.”
By signing the agreement, the student’s agreed to spend 30 hours doing research and writing the paper; not to copy another student’s papers, and to use three different sources of information. The agreement also outlined the punishments for breaking the rules.
“The agreement we sign is like everything else in school,” senior Sandy Peoples said. They stick it under our noses, and we sign it without really reading it. I guess kids will start reading what they sign from now on.”
Parents of three of the four students involved in the cheating incident have filed lawsuits. The rules say that during the suspension, the students will not be able to make up work for other classes, and the parents claim that the punishment is a violation of their right to a full education.
“I admit, I was one of the people who bought a research paper,” senior William Jefferson said. “ It was one of those things, though, that I had to do.”
Jefferson works 30 hours every week. He is also in advanced calculus, one act play, and is preparing for the state Lincoln-Douglas debate tournament.
“According to our lawyers, the parents’ lawyers really don’t have much of a case, especially since the students signed an agreement outlining the different actions that would result if the students were caught cheating” Aleman said.
News Story 1
The school board will vote on Junior Jim Stack’s second request for permission to grow his hair out for charity on Monday at 7 p.m. Principal Tonya King initially denied his proposal because it would violate school dress code.
“I hope the board approves my request.”, Stack said. “Donating my hair to Locks of Love is a very special project to me”.
After his request for permission was denied by King, Stack wrote a letter to the school board to see if they will make an exception to the dress code.
“I can’t bend the rules for one student.”, Principal King said. “There are other ways Jim could help the Locks of Love group. I would be more than willing to help with a fundraiser”.
The school dress code states that male student’s hair must not be longer than collar-length, but Locks of Love requires at least 10 inches of hair for donations.
“Mrs. King just said I should have a fundraiser instead.”, Stack said. “But I’m told a lot of people donate money. Not very many donate hair.”
Every month, Locks of Love receives about 200 request from families, and they end up having to turn down about 150 of them because of their lack of human hair.
“I was moved by Jim’s passion to donate his hair.”, the president of Locks of Love, Gisel Roco, said. “We desperately need human hair for our wigs.”
The Locks of Love group works entirely on donations, and they only use real human hair for their wigs.
“I am proud of Jim.”, his mother Holly Stack said. “He wants to help this group, and that means a lot to our family.”
Stack’s sister is his inspiration for donating his hair. His sister, Jasmine, received a wig from Locks of Love. Two months ago, Jasmine received a clean bill of health.
“I think it’s cool that Jim wants to do this.” Gilbert Castillo, president of the student council, said. “I don’t see what the big deal is anyway. Girls have long hair, and no one is distracted. Rules were made to be broken, and this is a very good reason to break one.”
The Student Council wrote a letter to the school board in support of Stack. The letter was signed by 350 students. Attached to the letter, the council listed 150 students who were also willing to grow out their hair and donate it.
“I can’t comment on this issue right now.”, said Bill Valdez, school board president, said. “We will discuss it at the board meeting next week”.
HOMS Blog Post 5
My Life
My entire childhood I was trapped
I was trapped with my name
With my sister
With my house
I was trapped on Mango Street.
I wanted to escape
I wanted to leave it all
I wanted to have a best friend
I wanted a new name
I wanted a new house.
My life was hard
People take advantage
People make fun
People are mean.
But I am able to escape from it all
I can escape from the name
From Mango Street
From people
From my life
I can escape from everything
Simply by the power of the pen.
HOMS Blog Post 4
“Hi. What’s your name?”
“My name is Andrew Wiggin, but most people call me Ender. And what is yours?”
“My name is Esperanza. I hate my name so just call me Rachel. I like it better”
“Well okay then Rachel. Thank you for lending me your attic for the night. I would have had to sleep outside if you didn’t offer”
“It’s no problem Ender, I was really poor growing up, so I like to let poor people come to my house and stay. It makes me feel grateful that I was able to escape poverty, and I like giving back to the community”
“Well actually I’m not poor Esper… I mean Rachel”
“Why were you gonna have to sleep outside then?”
“Well my brother Peter blew up my house while I was at the grocery store. He’s a terrible person and I hate him and he hates me”
“Oh that’s terrible. You can stay as long as you need to Ender”
“Well actually I have somebody coming to get me tomorrow morning. But thank you”
“It’s no problem. Have a good night, I hope the attic isn’t too creepy”
“I don’t think that will be a problem Rachel. I’ve slept in a lot creepier places. Like in the middle of space and on an alien planet”
“Wow! that sounds exciting, When did you do that Ender?”
“Well when I was a child I went through a recruiting program for the Imperial Fleet, and I eventually saved all of mankind”
“Wow, well then it’s the least I can do to lend you my attic for the night. Have a goodnight. I’m making a special breakfast in the morning so be ready!”
“I can’t wait! Thanks again Rachel”
HOMS Blog Post 3
During the novel, Esperanza meets many people who are trapped. For example, her great-grandmother who, “looked out the window her whole life, the way so many women sit their sadness on an elbow. I wonder if she made the best with what she got or was she sorry because she couldn’t be all the things she wanted to be. Esperanza. I have inherited her name, but I don’t want to inherit her place by the window” (Cisneros 11). This is an important quote, because it is one of the first characters in the book who is trapped. Esperanza currently feels like she is tapped on Mango Street, just like her great-grandmother is trapped by the window. Esperanza wonders if her great-grandmother made the best of her situation, or if instead she turned her anger at her husband inward, and therefore hurt herself more than her husband could have. Esperanza feels that if her great-grandmother made the best of her situation, she could feel pity for her, but if she didn’t, then it was somewhat her fault as well. Esperanza tells herself that she doesn’t want to stay trapped, and she wants to work hard to be able to leave the poverty-ridden Mango Street. The concept of being trapped also shows up more in the book, through characters like Mamacita, Rafaela, Minerva, and Sally. All of those characters are tapped and hope for a better life, just like Esperanza.
HOMS Blog Post 2
Dear Esperanza,
Hi, it’s Sally. It’s been 20 years since I’ve last talked to you, and I was wondering how you were doing. I hope you were able to escape Mango street, and reach your dream of living in a nice house that is all your own. My life is pretty crappy. My husband is at work right now, and that is the only way I am able to write this letter to you. My husband actually works pretty much all the time. I’m glad he works so often because I hate it when he is at home. He is always mean to me and forcing me to do everything he wants. I am very lonely when he is at work though because I’m not allowed to leave. He actually locks the doors from the outside, so I can’t get out. I haven’t left the apartment in over 10 years. I don’t get to eat much either. All this time alone made me think about how crappy of a friend I was to you when we were growing up as children. You looked up to me as a role model, and treated me as a friend, but most of the time I ignored you and abused your time. you always showed kindness for me, but I never returned it. I would ditch you to go hang out with boys. I’ve realized this through my husband, who keeps me in this apartment. I am honestly sorry, and I hope you will be able to forgive me.
Your dear friend,
P.S. Do not write back please. My husband will see it and I will get in a lot of trouble, and I will never get to read your response.